本文报道脑积水脑室-腹腔分流术后患者妊娠分娩3例。病例1曾因发现“脑部病变”后出现脑积水症状,病例2因“脑部炎症性疾病后遗症导致脑积水”,病例3因“先天性脑积水”,分别于15、30和23年前行固定压力分流管型脑室-腹腔分流术,并分别于2017、2018、2018年妊娠。病例1在晚孕期,病例2、3在阴道试产过程中出现因腹压增加导致的引流管分流不畅,因而出现急性颅内压增高的临床表现,通过剖宫产终止妊娠(新生儿均存活),患者的急性颅内压增高症状消失,均治愈出院。当脑室-腹腔分流术后晚孕期女性出现急性脑积水的一系列症状时,需要神经外科与产科积极配合,母儿结局好。“,”We report the management of pregnancy and delivery following ventriculoperitoneal shunt in three women with hydrocephalus. Patient 1 had a history of “brain lesions” on imaging and was symptomatic from her hydrocephalus. Patient 2 had a history of hydrocephalus due to “sequelae of inflammatory brain disease”. Patient 3 suffered from congenital hydrocephalus. All patients had been treated with fixed pressure ventriculoperitoneal shunt 15, 30 and 23 years ago, and were pregnant in 2017, 2018, and 2018 respectively. Acute intracranial hypertension occurred in Patient 1 in the third trimester of pregnancy and in Patients 2 and 3 during a trial of vaginal labor, which were all caused by poor drainage of the shunt, and underwent a cesarean section, three neonates were all alive. All three patients recovered well after the cesarean section and were discharged. When women in the third trimester present with acute hydrocephalus after ventriculoperitoneal shunt, active cooperation of neurosurgery and obstetrics is essential, and can achieve good maternal and fetal outcomes.