用世代均数分析法研究了玉米单株籽粒产量、穗重、百粒重、行粒数、穗行数、穗数以及穗长7个性状的遗传。对8个亲本自交系组成的7个杂交组合进行了分析。每个组合群体都由 P_1、P_2、F_1、F_2、B_1和 B_2世代组成。同时用G.S.Chahal 和 J.L.Jinks(1978)提出的用单一测验种探测一群近交系可能产生的加性、显性和上位性变异的一般方法进行二级统计量基因效应分析。本试验分析表明,单株籽粒产量、穗重、行粒数、穗长和百粒重五个性状都存在着显著的加性基因效应和上位性基因效应。除百粒重的显性基因效应较不重要外,这几个性状的显性基因效应也都有重要表现。分析结果表明:单株有效穗数的基因效应以加性效应为主,上位性效应次之,关于穗行数,虽然用二级统计量分析发现了显性效应的作用,但从杂种优势表现不明显,和一级统计量分析结果表明,穗行数主要表现为被加性基因效应控制。
The genetic average of seven traits of corn per plant was studied by using the means of average number of generations. Seven crosses consisting of eight parental inbred lines were analyzed. Each combined population consists of P_1, P_2, F_1, F_2, B_1 and B_2 generations. At the same time, two-level statistical analysis of the gene effect was performed using the general method proposed by G. S. Chahal and J. L. Jinks (1978) for detecting possible additive, dominant and epistatic mutations in a group of inbred lines using a single test. The results showed that significant additive and epistatic effects existed in five traits per plant, including grain yield, panicle weight, grain number, spike length and grain weight. In addition to the 100-grain dominant gene effect is less important, the dominant gene effect of these traits also have an important performance. The results showed that the additive effect was the main effect of additive effect on the panicles per plant and the epistatic effect was the second one. Although the effect of dominant effect was found by the second-order statistic analysis, Obvious, and a level of statistical analysis showed that the number of ear rows mainly as additive gene effect control.