
来源 :生态学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:passkakaxi
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Soil testing is the precondition of quantitative fertilization.To test the contents of soil available nutrients needs investments,and there are many errors when converting the tested values into soil nutrient application.Therefore,it is very significant on theory and practice to study principles and models of the semi-quantitative fertilization under the condition of no soil testing.The research results showed that ecological balanced fertilization model can be used as a semi-quantitative fertilization model.It has many strongpoints,such as complete functions,plenty of information,less parameter variations,easy for obtaining parameters,and precise in calculation,etc. Soil testing is the precondition of quantitative fertilization.To test the contents of soil available nutrients needs investments, and there are many errors when converting the tested values ​​into soil nutrient application.Therefore, it is very significant on theory and practice to study principles and models of the semi-quantitative fertilization under the condition of no soil testing. research results showed that ecological balanced fertilization model can be used as a semi-quantitative fertilization model. It has many strong points, such as complete functions, plenty of information, less parameter variations, easy for obtaining parameters, and precise in calculation, etc.
10~ 10 0 μmol·L-1茉莉酸甲酯 (MJ)可提高野葛毛状根培养液中葛根素和大豆甙元的水平 ,促进毛状根内总异黄酮含量的增加。而用 0 .5~ 2 .0mg·L-1ABA处理后 ,无论对野葛毛状
表皮生长因子(epidermal growth factor,EGF)和酪氨酸激酶抑制剂对垂体瘤细胞的增殖和分泌功能有重要影响,其作用机制之一在于对细胞内酪氨酸激酶信号传导通路的调节;同时也
以 2个生态型檵木材料为对照 ,对在各原产地收集到的 14个红檵木材料进行 5 5个随机引物的RAPD反应 ,共产生 6 32条稳定的扩增带 ,其中 42 7条具有多态性。按扩增带的有无列
通过系统的调查研究,初步查明桑粉虱在江苏省吴江市的发生世代为8代,在日均温度26.6~27.9 ℃环境中,其成虫、卵、幼虫、蛹的历期分别为3.2、4.5、16.5、5.7 d,完成1个世代约需
在贵州高海拔地区采用玉米高产栽培措施 ,获得了 12 .2 1t/hm2 的玉米产量 ,超过当地平均产量 2 .7倍 ,钾肥配施可增产玉米 0 .83~ 2 .5 8t/hm2 ,增幅 8.81~ 2 6.80 % ,施钾肥