建于1984年的大杨树林业局库莫速生丰产林基地,1987年被自治区农委批准为我区第一家速生丰产林基地.基地现有职工170人,实际在岗102人;累计造林16万多亩,其中大部分已郁闭成林.近几年.随着造林任务锐减,营林经费相应减少,基地经济趋于危困,职工生活也很困难.如何解困,实现经济振兴的问题摆在了基地领导和职工面前.通过一段时间的摸索和实践,基地决定充分利用施业区内丰富的林地资源.发展种植业,靠自己的力量解决危困.到 1996年春,基地已开出土地4918亩、并为职工开“富民田”1040亩.这不仅有效地解决了职工生活困难问题,还发展壮大了基地经济.
Established in 1984 as a fast-growing and high-yielding forest base of Daewoo Forestry Bureau, it was approved as the first fast-growing and high-yield forest base of our district by the Commission of Agricultural Affairs of Autonomous Region in 1987. The base now has 170 workers and 102 actual employees, In recent years, with a sharp reduction in afforestation tasks, a corresponding reduction in funding for silviculture, the economy in the base area has become increasingly in danger of being endangered, and workers’ lives have also been very difficult. How to Solve the Difficulties and Rejuvenate the Economy? The problem was placed before the leaders and staff of the base.After a period of exploration and practice, the base decided to make full use of the abundant woodland resources in the construction area to develop the planting industry and solve the crisis by its own strength. By the spring of 1996, the base was open 4918 mu of land was excavated and 1040 mu of “Fu Min Tian” was opened for the employees, which not only effectively solved the problems of employees’ living difficulties but also expanded and developed the base economy.