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祖国医学在它的形成和发展过程中,中医伤科就创造性地运用了创伤急救的方法。虽然这些疗法受到当时历史条件的限制,显得比较朴素,但是不少方法还是相当科学的,有的内容至今仍值得借鉴.笔者仅就此浅述个人体会。一、“卒死”的抢救早在秦汉时期,人们就有了抢救“卒死”的知识。如张仲景首创了人工呼吸的救治法。三国两晋南北朝时期,对颅脑损伤、血管损伤以及内脏损伤的抢救经验都有相当明确的记载,如晋代葛洪救治严重创伤时,主张用生地黄汁或茅根汁、饴糖或大豆、赤小豆煮汁口服,以生津补血;对有淤血攻心 In the process of the formation and development of the motherland medicine, the TCM traumatology department creatively used the trauma emergency treatment method. Although these therapies were limited by the historical conditions at that time, they seemed relatively simple, but many methods were still quite scientific. Some of the contents are still worth learning from. The author only briefly described personal experience. I. Rescue of “Death to Death” As early as the Qin and Han dynasties, people had the knowledge to rescue “death”. Such as Zhang Zhongjing first created artificial respiration treatment. During the period of the Three Kingdoms, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the experience of rescue of brain injury, vascular injury, and visceral injury was well documented. For example, when Ge Hong treated severe wounds in Jin Dynasty, it was advisable to use Rehmannia glutinosa juice, or mahogany juice, caramelized sugar, or soybean and red bean paste. Oral to boost blood;