Influence of Bicycle Traffic on Capacity of Typical Signalized Intersection

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyattwong
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Bicycle traffic has a significant effect on the capacity of signalized intersections. This paper divides the influence of bicyclists on vehicular flow into four types with the time durations estimated based on prob-ability, shock wave, and gap acceptance theory. Vehicular saturation flow rate is predicted for various condi-tions on the basis of the speed-flow curve for the capacity of typical intersections influenced by bicycle traffic. The model overcomes the limitations of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM, 2000) method for left-turns due to data collection, and takes into account the effect of trapped bicycles on the through vehicular traffic. The numerical results show that the left-turn and through capacities predicted by the model are lower than those of the HCM method. The right-turn capacity is close to that of the HCM method at low bicycle volumes and higher than that of the HCM method at high bicycle volumes. Bicycle paper has a significant effect on the capacity of signalized intersections. This paper divides the influence of bicyclists on vehicular flow into four types with the time durations estimated based on prob-ability, shock wave, and gap acceptance theory. predicted for various condi-tions on the basis of the speed-flow curve for the capacity of typical intersections influenced by bicycle traffic. The model overcomes the limitations of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM, 2000) method for left-turns due to data collection , and takes into account the effect of trapped bicycles on the through vehicular traffic. The numerical results show that the left-turn and through- ablepredicted by the model are lower than those of the HCM method. The right-turn capacity is close to that of the HCM method at low bicycle volumes and higher than that of the HCM method at high bicycle volumes.
意外伤害 (unintentionalinjuries)是一种突然发生的事件 ,它对人类生命安全、健康及生活质量构成严重威胁。意外伤害属于一类疾病 ,国际疾病分类 (ICD 9)已将其单独列为一类〔1〕。意外伤害不仅对儿
畢生從事外交工作,積有四十年經验的英國外交老手卡爾爵士(Archibald John Kerr Clark Kerr),又調駐華府了。最近數年來,英國的外交陣線一有告急的地方,就總要派他去馳援。
吕诗勤,网名龙文,1962年出生于湖北省黄石市。1990年在美国圣迭戈加州大学物理学博士研究生毕业,现从事计算机软件设计工作。 1971年第31届世乒赛后,龙文喜欢上了乒乓球,1974