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小学语文新课标指出:“写作是运用书面语言进行表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界、认识自我进行创造性表达的过程。”这种理念较之以往,更加注重了作文的兴趣和情感态度少了许多技能性的条条框框,使学生能够摆脱束缚,张扬个性,自由表达,有利于学生创新精神的培养。为此,我在教学实践过程中,努力寻找适合学生作文教学的途径和方法。一、引领学生拥有健康向上的情操从古至今,无论人类的教育怎么发展变革,都始终背离不了最根本的宗旨,那便是受教育者的德和能。现 The new curriculum standard for primary schools pointed out: “Writing is an important way of expressing and communicating in a written language, and it is a process of recognizing the world and knowing one’s own creative expression.” "This philosophy has paid more attention to the interests of writing and Emotional attitude of many of the skills of the rules and regulations, so that students can get out of shackles, publicity personality, free expression, is conducive to the cultivation of students’ innovative spirit. For this reason, in my teaching practice, I try my best to find a suitable way and method for students’ composition teaching. First, to lead students to have a healthy and upward sentiments From ancient to now, no matter how human development and change of education, always can not afford to depart from the most fundamental purpose, that is, the morality of educated people. Now