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十七大以来中国共产党坚持用发展着的马克思主义指导反腐倡廉建设,坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防的战略方针,加快推进惩治和预防腐败体系建设,着力解决反腐倡廉建设中人民群众反映强烈的突出问题,积累了丰富而生动的经验,党所创造的廉政教育方法、开展的廉政制度建设和积累的廉政理论文化资源为新时期党的反腐败斗争提供了重要借鉴。一、党的十七大以来反腐倡廉建设取得的工作成效党的十七大以来,以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央深入研究新形势下反腐倡廉建设的特点和规律,围绕加强廉政文化建设,在形成拒腐防变教育长效机制、反腐倡廉制度体系、权力运行监控机制等方面展开了大量富有成效的反腐败和权力制约实践。 Since the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communist Party has always insisted on using guided Marxism to guide the building of an anti-corruption and pro-corruption campaign. It adhered to the strategic principle of tackling both symptoms and root cause, comprehensively treating, punishing and guarding both sides and focusing on prevention, accelerating the building of a system of punishment and prevention of corruption, The outstanding problems that the masses of the people are strongly reflected in the construction have accumulated rich and vivid experiences. The clean and honest education methods created by the party, the establishment of a clean government system and the accumulation of honest and clean cultural resources have provided an important reference for the party’s fight against corruption in the new era . First, since the 17th CPC National Congress, the party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary has conducted in-depth study on the features and laws of the fight against corruption and building a clean government under the new situation. Focusing on strengthening the culture of clean government Construction, launched a large number of fruitful anti-corruption and power-control practices in the fields of forming a long-term mechanism to prevent corruption and prevent change, the system of fighting corruption and upholding integrity, and the monitoring mechanism of power operation.
复印件主义公诉方式的缺陷主要表现在 :尚未根除法官的预断与偏见 ;侵害被告方全面获悉被控证据权 ;滋生“埋伏审判”等弊端。建构科学的符合诉讼规律和公正价值的公诉程序势
有些担心正在成为现实,年轻人对中国传统节日的记忆越来越模糊。如果不是查阅手机上的日历,很多年轻人可能都搞不清楚“除夕”是哪一天。假使有一天我们的手机、电脑里的“日历”不再提供中国传统农历的信息,那么对于年轻人来说,恐怕是灾难。到底哪一天是过年、哪一天开始放假,恐怕鲜有人能够弄得明白,而到那个时候,索性将新年改为元旦节或者圣诞节恐怕更遂年轻人的心意。  随着社会文化的改变,年味越来越淡已经是不争的事
布莱斯?帕斯卡尔(Blaise Pascal,1623-1662)可谓是一个知识界的天才--集数学家、发明家、物理学家和哲学家诸称谓于一身,同时他也是一个虔诚的基督徒。他的一生虽然短暂,却一直