This paper studies the optimal pricing and rationing decisions of retailers in the presale environment with the uncertainty of consumers and the search cost of consumers.Constructing a two-stage model, considering a seller selling a single new product to several strategic behaviors Of consumers, consumers choose the best time to buy according to the principle of maximizing their own utility, and the retailer considers the consumer’s strategic behavior, the optimal two-period price and the pre-sale ration.The results show that the pre-sale period The rationing depends on the purchase cost per unit of product, and the seller should adopt the pre-sale strategy if and only if the unit cost of goods is within the specified range, and the discount pre-sale strategy is always the best choice for the seller. The seller should adopt the normal sales strategy.The research also shows that when the consumer’s risk cost coefficient is low, the higher the search cost of the consumer, the lower the seller’s pre-sale price and the total profit.Otherwise, the search cost of the consumer The higher the seller’s pre-sale price and the higher the total profit.