下颌发育不全是Treacher Collins综合征、Robin氏综合征和一侧小面畸形等共有的特征。除小颌外,尚可伴有:巨舌、舌下垂、颞颌关节异常所致的牙关紧闭和上颌或上颌门齿突出。由于张口不大,不足以使巨舌移位,而小颌亦前伸不够难以暴露喉腔,就给喉镜和插管带来麻烦。作者们将常规方法略加改良,谓可克服上述困难。麻醉:出生数周内的婴儿在清醒状态下插管,同时经鼻持续给氧。对较大儿童则用100%氧气加氟烷诱导麻醉,继以自动换气维持。对气道梗阻者最好避免使用肌肉松弛剂。体位:取仰卧位,头高于肩,次将颈前屈而寰枕关节向后仰伸,使口、咽及喉呈一直线。操作:将9cm(儿童型)Jackson前连合直接喉镜自口腔插入,并沿舌前2/3右侧推进。
Mandibular hypoplasia is a common feature of Treacher Collins syndrome, Robin's syndrome and facial deformity. In addition to the small jaw, can still be accompanied by: giant tongue, tongue ptosis, temporomandibular joint due to the closure of the teeth off and maxillary or maxillary incisor protruding. Because the mouth is not large, not enough to shift the giant tongue, but also the jaw is not stretched enough to expose the throat, laryngoscope and intubation to bring trouble. The authors modified the conventional method slightly to overcome the above difficulties. Anesthesia: Infants within a few weeks of birth intubate awake, while continuing to give oxygen through the nose. For larger children, anesthesia was induced with 100% oxygen plus halothane followed by automatic ventilation. It is best to avoid using muscle relaxants on airway obstruction. Position: Take the supine position, head above the shoulder, neck and anterior flexion will be backward atlanto-occipital extension, the mouth, pharynx and throat was a straight line. Action: Insert a 9cm (pediatric) Jackson pre-ligated direct laryngoscope into the mouth and push along the right third of the anterior tongue.