(金额单位:万美元)商品名称计量单位数量金额比去年同期士%数量}金额水海产品万吨1632872026 .010.9谷物及谷物粉万吨148217174569.3564玉米万吨1 1671 1671094.6864跪莱万吨36018877113.3一1 .4干豆万吨863189519714.0鲜、干水果及坚呆万吨1134638638.631.4食用油籽万吨934246
(Amount in thousands of US dollars) Product Name Unit of measurement Amount Amount Amount% over the same period of previous year} Amount Amount of seawater products Tons of tons 1632872026 .010.9 Million tons of cereals and grains Million tons 148217174569.3564 Million tons of wheat 1671 1671094.6864 Guilei ten thousand tons 36018877113.3 一 1. 4 thousand tons of dried beans 863189519714.0 tons of fresh and dried fruits and thousand tons 1134638638.631.4 million tons of edible oil seeds 934246