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呃逆是临床上比较常见的症状之一,为膈肌痉挛引起。正常人也可发生,但多为时短暂。在消化系统疾病,尤其是恶性肿瘤伴发呃逆并非少见 其症状往往顽固,治疗棘手。本文报道1984年5月以来,我们用华蟾素治疗消化系肿瘤伴发顽固性呃逆12例。这些病人,有的曾经针刺穴位、压迫膈神经,应用氢溴酸东莨菪碱、哌醋甲酯及中药等治疗,仍呃逆不止。现报道如下。 Hiccups are one of the more common clinical symptoms and are caused by diaphragmatic spasm. Normal people can also happen, but most are short-lived. In the digestive system diseases, especially malignant tumors associated with hiccups are not uncommon. The symptoms are often stubborn and the treatment is tricky. This article reported that since May 1984, we have used Huachansu to treat 12 patients with digestive tumors associated with refractory hiccups. Some of these patients have been acupuncture points, oppression of the sacral nerve, the application of scopolamine hydrobromide, methylphenidate and Chinese medicine, etc., are still hiccups. The report is as follows.