Reduced Arterial Compliance Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in Chinese Children and Adolescents

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongxinyi1986
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Objective To explore the metabolic syndrome and its association with arterial compliance in Chinese children and adolescents. Methods 337 participants aged 6 to 18 years with males accounted for 55.8% were grouped according to their traits of metablic syndrome. Anthropometry, blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, insulin and serum lipid profile were measured. Homeostasis model was assessed and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index was measured and calculated for estimating individual insulin resistance. Arterial compliance was also measured using digital pulse wave analyzing method (Micro medical, London), and stiffness index was calculated. Results The stiffness index in participants with metablic syndrome was significant higher than that in participants with no riskof metablic syndrome [(7.69±1.63) vs (6.25±0.86) m/s, P<0.01] and stiffness index and HOMA-IR were progressively increased with the increase of traits of metablic syndrom (P for linear trend <0.001). After gender, age, and pubertal development were adjusted, both traits of metablic syndrome and HOMA-IR were correlated positively with stiffness index (both P<0.05). Conclusion The clustering of metablic syndrome was closely associated with risk at increased arterial stiffness in Chinese children and adolescents. It was suggested that arterial compliance assessment of children and adolescents might be an important measure for prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Objective To explore the metabolic syndrome and its association with arterial compliance in Chinese children and adolescents. Methods 337 participants aged 6 to 18 years with males accounted for 55.8% were grouped according to their traits of metablic syndrome. Anthropometry, blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose Homeostasis model was assessed and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index was measured and calculated for estimating individual insulin resistance. Arterial compliance was also measured using digital pulse wave analysis method (Micro medical, London), Results The stiffness index in participants with metablic syndrome was significantly higher than that in participants with no risk of metablic syndrome [(7.69 ± 1.63) vs (6.25 ± 0.86) m / s, P <0.01] and stiffness index and HOMA-IR were progressively increased with the increase of traits of metablic syndrom (P for linear trend <0.001). After gender, age, an d pubertal development were all adjusted, both traits of metablic syndrome and HOMA-IR were positively correlated with stiffness index (both P <0.05). Conclusion The clustering of metablic syndrome was closely associated with risk at increased arterial stiffness in Chinese children and adolescents. It was suggested that arterial compliance assessment of children and adolescents might be an important measure for prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
小麦发言:坦然面对自己的死亡是一种坚毅;坦然面对别人的死亡呢?受有更强的坚毅,更强的责任! 美文释情:《坦然面对》一支登山队在攀登—座雪山。这是一座分外险峻的山峰,稍
摘要:鸟兽尊为一种盛酒器具,而晋文化青铜器中的鸟兽形酒器则是姿态各异,栩栩如生,展示了几千年前工匠们的高超技艺与审美情趣。其中器型有鸟、猪、牛、兔等。晋系青铜器文化中的动物形态酒器在晋系青铜器中源远流长,推陈出新,在这些几千年前的精美器物中,折射出当时三晋大地的诸侯王的历史与变迁。  关键词:晋系青铜器;鸟兽尊;盛酒器;礼器;晋国遗址;晋候遗址;赵卿遗址;横水墓地  在青铜器的分类中,尊为大型或中