【摘 要】
Canadian women will soon have access to a revolutionarybirth-control device that is effective for a period of up to fiveyears.The Norplant implant has been app
Canadian women will soon have access to a revolutionarybirth-control device that is effective for a period of up to fiveyears.The Norplant implant has been approved by the federalhealth protection branch, and officials from Wyeth-Aycrst Canada
Canadian women will soon have access to a revolutionary birth-control device that is effective for a period of up to five years. The Norplant implant has been approved by the federal health protection branch, and officials from Wyeth-Aycrst Canada
When I was ten years old,one of my older cousins gave me a mi-croscope.The first time I looked through its magic lens,theclouds that surrounded my daily life r
Though mother is always chatting away, she is, I know, re-ally very lonely at heart. She doesn’t have any hobby, but I know for a fact thatwhen she was young
吱呀——吱呀—— “这么晚了,是谁在锯木头?”说话的是一个掌灯的婢女。 “是小王爷在吹竽。这几天这位最爱玩的主子竟然会安安静静地待在房间里学吹竽。也是奇了怪了。”另一个婢女回答道。 夜间的冷风从回廊穿过,催促着宫女们向前走去。这灏王府中只能听到锯木头般的竽声在幽幽回响。 砰砰砰—— 天刚亮,司音坊的门就被敲得震天响。门边的树哗哗地落叶,发出呜咽的哀鳴。 “谁啊,一大早的,还让不让人睡觉