甜菊属亚热带短日照作物。在我市自然条件下虽能开花结实,但由于开花晚,早霜来临时种子很少成熟,种子发芽率低,生产上依靠大田植株采种很不可靠。为了解决甜菊当地制种技术,1981年我们开展甜菊短日照制种技术研究。两年来的研究情况如下: 一、甜菊开花结实习性的观察甜菊为两性花,呈头状伞房总状花序。一个花序有4—6个筒状花序,每个筒状花序可结实5—7粒种子。种子小而细长,一般长2—3毫米,呈纺锤型。成熟的种子为黑色或黑褐色,干粒重0.3—0.4克。
Stevia is a subtropical short-day crop. Although the city under the conditions of natural flowering, but due to flowering late, early frost rarely mature seeds, seed germination rate is low, the production depends on the field plant seed collection is not reliable. In order to solve the technology of local seed production of stevia, we conducted the research of short-day production technology of stevia in 1981. Two years of research are as follows: First, the observation of stevia blossom steviatilla as bisexual, was head-like corymbose raceme. There are 4-6 inflorescences of an inflorescence, each 5-7 seeds can be sturdy. Small and slender seeds, usually 2-3 mm long, was spindle type. Mature seeds are black or dark brown, dry weight 0.3-0.4 grams.