A Leader Vs. A Film Director

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  In a leadership training workshop I conducted recently there was a middle level manager who seemed to be an especially influential and inspiring figure in the group. During the training, he shared a personal story about his own transformation from an arrogant, talented, and versatile lab researcher to an inspiring leader who helps develop the talents of others. He said his breakthrough came about after he visited a film production class where a director offered his suggestions for becoming a successful director, which included building a platform for others, drawing out each crew member’s special talents, and developing new stars. The director also made a point to say that a good director should never be at the front of the stage. The then-lab researcher realized that the attributes of a good director were virtually the same as those for a good leader in any field.
  However, as a scientist, he was still searching for a clear definition of inspirational leadership. Though there is no one-definition-fits-all answer, I suggested to him that to be recognized as an inspirational leader, you need to control three things: what you say, what you believe and what you do.
  An inspirational leader is, first and foremost, a visionary leader who can give his team a clear sense of direction. It is not necessary to know exactly how to get to the finish line, but the team must trust their leader’s goal and gut feelings as they explore the route together. Moreover, an inspirational leader uses his strong beliefs and conviction to set people on the right track and can find a connection with followers through shared values, cultural norms, and beliefs. For example, the ideas the scientist shared with the training group reflect his strong beliefs on the attributes of a good leader.
  Like the former lab scientist we met in our training, an inspirational leader can usually create positive energy in people through inspiring talks that include personal and emotion-laden stories, stirring imagery, and powerful metaphors. He can influence followers by touching their heart and appealing to their emotions. For example when a leader goes for a hike with his team, he can look back any time and see his followers eagerly and willingly following his footsteps without reservation.
  Most employees do not complain about a lack of inspirational speakers in their organization, but rather about a lack of inspirational leaders who practice what they preach. Leaders who do not follow their own advice can easily repel their team members. On the other hand, those who lead by example often become a great source of inspiration for others.
  The ex-scientist put his leadership beliefs into practice during a week of team training with us. He led his team in performing various tasks including a comedic performance. He remained behind the stage, coaching his team members. In particular he helped a very introverted team member to become a ‘star actress’ and to give a powerful speech in front of the entire group. Her breakthrough after just five days of training was an inspiration for all team members.
  When a leader puts together what he believes, says and does accordingly, he becomes real, authentic, and can have an inspirational influence on others that feels both genuine and powerful.
  Chief Program Officer
  and Senior Trainer
  Schouten China
  “An inspirational leader is, first and foremost, a visionary leader who can give his team a clear sense of direction.”
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