不少多浆花卉开花奇特,面对这些美丽的生命,我总不满足于简单地上盆养活,而想通过精巧的构思和别致的盆器,使它具有艺术品位,甚至给人一种“盆景”的感觉。如果把这说成是我一直致力研究的“课题”,也不为过。照片上这盆黄丽“盆景”便是我的一件得意之作。 10年前我从花市购得一株多浆花卉——黄丽。看外表,它和很普通的宝石花差不多,是否有其个性突出的一面,我一无所知。几年后黄丽开花了,竟和小时喜爱的蒲公英相似。花之奇特,始料不及。从看到花的那一刻起,我就萌生了一个念头:一定要将它培养成一盆高品位的悬崖式“盆
In the face of these beautiful lives, I am always not satisfied with simply basking on the ground, but I would like to use the delicate design and chic pots to make it an artistic taste and even give me a “bonsai ”a feeling of. It would not be an exaggeration to say this as a “subject” that I have always been working on. The picture on this pot Huang Li “bonsai” is one of my favorite. 10 years ago I bought a multi-flower from the flower market - Huang Li. Look at the appearance, it is very ordinary gem flowers, whether it has its own prominent side, I know nothing. A few years later Huang Li blossomed, actually similar to the favorite dandelion of the hour. Flowers strange, unexpected. From the moment I saw the flower, I started a thought: it must be cultivated into a pot of high-grade cliff-type "basin