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过去两年,我们是在非常困难的情况下工作的。一方面要坚持治理整顿,另一方面又要克服市场疲软带来的一系列问题。但是,在这么困难的情况下,省政府主管财贸的同志,财办以及流通部门的同志们做了很多工作,想了很多办法,采取了很多措施,使经济秩序得到改善,过热的经济得到调整,管理得到加强,保证了我省经济有了一个合理的增长,原来不协调的进一步得到协调的发展。同时又继续了治理整顿工作。这两年我们有了教训。从1988年5月,我们一看统计报表上工业企业的产成品资金猛增65%,吓了一跳,果然从那以后,市场就出现了异常。我们现在是搞有计划的商品经济,经 In the past two years, we have worked in very difficult circumstances. On the one hand, we must persist in governing and rectifying, and on the other hand we must overcome a series of problems brought about by the weak market. However, under such difficult circumstances, the comrades of the provincial government in charge of finance and trade, the financial management offices, and the comrades in the circulation department have done a lot of work. They have thought many ways and adopted many measures to improve the economic order and overheat the economy. The management has been strengthened to ensure that our province’s economy has a reasonable increase, and the original uncoordinated development has been further coordinated. At the same time, it continued to govern and rectify the work. We have learned a lesson in these two years. From May 1988, we saw a sharp increase of 65% in the finished product funds of industrial enterprises on the statistical report. It was really an abnormality in the market since then. We are now engaged in a planned commodity economy.
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<正> 最近召开的中央工作会议,专门研究了搞活国营大中型企业的问题。从流通领域看,国营批发商业的问题最为突出,全国各地出现了一批亏损和濒临亏损的大中型批发企业,对于搞
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<正> 现行的《反垄断法》对抽象行政行为垄断仅用第37条予以规定:"行政机关不得滥用行政权力,制定含有排除、限制竞争内容的规定。"该条文对抽象行政行为导致的垄断界定比较
<正> 在汉城以北100英里远的地方,有一座城市叫大田,在大田后面低矮、起伏的山丘中有一个空旷的研究园,由于汉城的繁华,这个研究园有一种被遗弃的感觉,这就是大德科学城,它是在18年前规划的,它以“硅谷”为模型,要成为一个研究的“摇篮”,把南朝鲜学术界、政府和私人研究机构中的精英集中在一起,然而事与愿违,在科学城中建了几家实验所后,这一理想破灭了。