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  I remember reading a statement by a psychiatrist1 who said that if you ever feel depressed, the best thing to do is to do something for someone else. Why? Because it gets you focused outward, not inward. It’s hard to be depressed while serving someone else. Ironically2, a byproduct of helping others is feeling wonderful yourself.
   I remember sitting in an airport one day, waiting for my flight. I was excited because I had been upgraded to a first class ticket. And in first class, the seats are bigger, the food is edible3, and the flight attendants4 are actually nice. In fact, I had the best seat on the entire plane, seat lA.
   Before boarding, I noticed a young lady who had several carry-on bags and was holding a crying baby. Having just finished reading a book on doing random acts of kindness, I heard my conscience5 speak to me, “You scumbag6. Let her have your ticket.” I fought these promptings7 for a while but eventually caved in.
   “Excuse me, but you look like you could use this first class ticket more than me. I know how hard it can be flying with kids. Why don’t you and I trade our tickets?”
   “Are you sure?”
   “Oh yeah, I really don’t mind. I’m just going to be working the whole time, anyway.”
   “Well, thank you. That’s very kind of you,” she said, as we swapped8 tickets.
   As we boarded the plane, I was surprised at how good it made me feel to watch her sit down in seat 1A. In fact under the circumstances, seat 24B or wherever the heck I was sit-ting didn’t seem that bad at all. At one point during the flight I was so curious to see how she was doing that I could hardly stand it. So I got up out of my seat, walked to the first class section, and peeked in through the curtain that sepa-rates first class from coach. There she was with her baby, both asleep in big and comfortable seat 1A. And I felt like a million bucks. I’ve got to keep doing this kind of thing.
  摘自Growing & Gaining

护理助理们为这位89岁的老人安排了一次让他惊喜的聚会。这位积极、机警的退休医生的一条腿在两年前被切除掉了。他费了很大劲儿来适应只有一条腿的生活。他的大多数时间都是在轮椅中度过的。  家人、朋友和志愿者们聚在这个被装饰得明亮舒适的房间里。他看着人群,向一个可爱的六岁小女孩———他的一位助手的孙女打了个手势,让她到他的身边去。他伸出胳膊,把她搂在怀里。他把她介绍给大家,并说:“她是我的福星!”接着,他
There are five different coloured houses arranged in a straight row. Within each house lives a different owner. All house owners are from different countries. Each of the five owners drinks a differen
上小学的时候,我和同班的一个小男孩发生了一场激烈的争论。我已经忘记我们当时为什么争论了,但是,我那天所得到的教训却永远难忘。  我认为“我”是对的,“他”是错的———而他则刚好与我相反,他相信“我”是错的,“他”是对的。于是,老师决定给我们上一次非常重要的课。她带我们走到讲台前,把他安排在讲台的一边,把我安排在另一边。而在讲台的正中间,放着一个又大又圆的物体。我能够清楚地看见它是黑色的。她问那个男
You are suffering, my dearest creature—only now have I learned that letters must be posted very early in the morning. Mondays, Thursdays—the only days on which the mail coach goes from here to City k.
当弟弟正全神贯注地做着他手头的事情时,我目不转睛地注视着他。他坐在起居室的一角,一只手握着钢笔,另一只手拿着父亲的赞美诗集。当父亲走进来的时候,弟弟有点儿惊慌;他感到他做错了事。虽然离他有一段距离,但我看见他打开父亲的那本崭新的书,用钢笔在第一页上到处乱画。现在,我们俩不安地注视着父亲,等待着他的惩罚。  父亲拿起他珍藏的那本赞美诗集,关切地看了看,然后,一声不响地坐了下来。他对书很珍视;他是一位
Cheryl made the two-hour trip over and over to be with her mother, who suffered a terminal1 illness.  As her mother’s pain intensified2 and more medication was needed to ease her into seda-tion3, Cher
我和丈夫隔着病床上洁白的床单对视着。四岁的凯特仍然高高兴兴地一来一回地摇晃着床腿。这是她爸爸第一次在医院里过夜,对她来说,这不啻于一次冒险。  “爸爸什么时候回家?”那天早晨她问我。“一个星期后,”我告诉她,虽然这不完全是事实。在以后的八个月中,瑟吉每隔三个星期就要住一个星期的院。以后将会有很多不回家的夜晚,将会有很多个“爸爸什么时候回家”的疑问。  我不安地用手去抚平那已经很平滑的枕头。瑟吉用手
I’m only twelve years old, but I know sadness and the fear of death very well. My grandfather has been smoking since he was a young teenager, and now he has a terrible disease called emphysema1 that r
Christian Herter was governor of Massachusetts. One day, after a busy morning (and without lunch) he ar-rived at a church barbecue. It was late afternoon and Herter was famished.  As Herter moved down
A couple, whom we shall call John and Mary, had a nice home and two lovely children, a boy and a girl. John had a good job and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and would be