“Duoyi San” is based on Wang Zhixue’s family secret recipe “Sanyi San” and based on the addition of two Chinese and Western medicines to form a multi-purpose and highly effective powder. The original “Sanyi San” consists of three kinds of wind-resistant, white peony and Ambergris savory medicines, each of which was researched into extremely fine powder, mixed evenly, and was collected and stored with a magnetic bottle. Do not make deflation. Use according to the severity of illness. When it is used, a small amount of powder is put on the thin cotton lint, and the cotton ball is kneaded and placed into the nostril to allow the patient to inhale. The three diseases of headache, toothache, and stuffy nose are effective, hence the name “Sanyi San”. As we discovered during the process of using this dispersion, we added Asarum and Menthol to the original formula, and its use methods have also been improved.