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福寿螺是一种危害极大的外来物种,环境适应能力强、繁殖速度快、食杂性广、食量大。近年来,福寿螺的危害在湖南、湖北、江西、广东、广西、云南等省呈蔓延和加剧趋势,已发展成为南方水稻主产区的一大有害生物,危害重要时可导致水稻减产50%以上,个别田块甚至颗粒无收。为了提高福寿螺的防治效果,减少化学农药的污染,改善农业生态环境,湖南省农作物病虫害专业化防治协会本着“以生物防治为基础,农业防治为辅助,化学防治为补充”的综合治理策 Snails snails is a great harm to alien species, adaptability to the environment, breeding speed, fast food, food intake. In recent years, the harm of snails has been spreading and aggravating in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan provinces and has become a major pest in the main rice producing areas in southern China. When the damage is important, the yield of rice can be reduced by more than 50% Some individual plots and even crop failure. In order to improve the control effect of snails, reduce the pollution of chemical pesticides and improve the ecological environment of agriculture, Hunan Pest Insects and Diseases Specialization Prevention and Control Association based on the principle of “biological control, agricultural control as a supplement, chemical control as a supplement” Policy