
来源 :哈尔滨医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzlwh
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我院自1974年开始,用双花、黄芩、连翘3种中药制成双黄连注射液用于临床,至今已有9年的历史。本制剂主要治疗小儿肺炎、上呼吸道和泌尿道感染,收到较为满意的疗效。根据我院儿科的观察,对小儿肺炎的有效率达92.5%,治疗率达80.8%。每年约需生产数万支供临床使用。自开展中西医结合工作以来,有些单方或复方中药制剂改成注射液,不少品种取得了良好的效果。然而,由于中药成分复杂,有效成分往往不清楚,一般多用提取精制方法制备注射液,工艺不够稳定,又加上无可靠的质量控制方法,因此制剂的稳定性和疗效均不易恒定。鉴于上述情况,我们对双黄连注射液的制备和质量控制方法进行了研究,现在报告如下: Since our hospital began in 1974, Shuanghuanglian Injection has been used in the clinical application of Shuanghua, Huangqi, and Forsythia. It has a history of 9 years. The preparation mainly treats children with pneumonia, upper respiratory tract and urinary tract infection and has received satisfactory results. According to the pediatric observation in our hospital, the effective rate for children with pneumonia was 92.5%, and the treatment rate was 80.8%. Each year about tens of thousands of production are required for clinical use. Since the launch of the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine, some unilateral or compound Chinese medicine preparations have been changed into injections, and many varieties have achieved good results. However, due to the complex composition of traditional Chinese medicines, the active ingredients are often unclear. In general, extraction and refining methods are generally used to prepare injections. The process is not stable enough, and there is no reliable quality control method. Therefore, the stability and efficacy of the preparations are not always constant. In view of the above, we studied the preparation and quality control methods of Shuanghuanglian Injection. The report is as follows:
红花Carthmus Tinctorius Linn(Fam Compositae)系菊科植物,其花开于盛夏,花冠呈管状,头状花序,为药用主要部分。中医以花入药,主治破淤活血,通经止痛。日本民间应用红花,认
GB/T 1 1-2 0 0 0新标准修订工作已经完成。受国家质量技术监督局标准化司的委托 ,中国标准化协会和中国标准研究中心将于 2 0 0 1年 2月起联合举办GB/T 1 1-2 0 0 0新标准宣贯培训
This paper writes about the impact of de-collectivisation in the rural reforms since 1978 on the women in rural China Through a series of rural reforms, rural
二嘈杂、泛酸、脘痞、胃胀 [嘈杂] “嘈杂”这个词,本来是众声喧闹的意思。它用在医学上,也是形容胃中像发酵一般,懊憹不宁,有难以说明的感觉。有的还兼有嗳气、恶心或痞硬
<正> 控涎丹又名子龙丸,系甘遂、大戟、白芥子等分,炼蜜作小丸。《外科全生集》用以治瘰病初起,并治横痃、贴骨疽等证。予不谙外科,但曾用此方治疗一例舌下囊肿及三例膝关节
本文就防己科植物的一个新种广西地不容(Stephania kwangsiensis H.S.Lo,Sp.NOV.)的块根中的生物碱进行了分离和研究,除了分离得已知的生物碱l-四氢巴马亭,l-卡巴任碱、d-异
丁香为Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb.的干燥花蕾。母丁香为同植物的干燥果实。目前母丁香来源困难。为探讨以丁香代替母丁香的可能性,我们进行了两种丁香的挥发油含量及其理
熟人中间一说起某某去了加拿大、某某去了美国,就好象一个故事结束了。实际上对于去了加拿大、去了美国的人来说,故事只是刚刚开始。 Speaking of acquaintances in the mid