内镜在临床上的应用越来越普遍,平均每30位 住院病人或每70个门诊就诊病人中就有1人接受 内镜检查或治疗。在美国每年接受胃镜检查的 病人达1千万人次,已发生因内镜清洗消毒或灭菌 不彻底而导致的院内感染传播或暴发。内镜的 清洗与消毒问题已引起医学界和患者的极大关注。 2004年4月,我国卫生部颁布了《内镜清洗消毒技 术操作规范(2004年版)》(以下简称《规范》)。为 了解湖北地区各级医院执行《规范》情况,进一步完
The clinical application of endoscopy is becoming more common, with an average of 30 in-patients or 1 out of 70 outpatients receiving endoscopy or treatment. In the United States each year to accept endoscopy of patients up to 10 million people have occurred due to endoscopic disinfection or sterilization is not thorough the transmission of nosocomial infections or outbreaks. Endoscopy cleaning and disinfection problems have drawn great attention of the medical profession and patients. April 2004, China’s Ministry of Health promulgated the “endoscopic cleaning and disinfection techniques (2004 Edition)” (hereinafter referred to as “norms”). In order to understand the Hubei Province at all levels of hospitals to implement “norms” situation, further finished