伴随工程建设工艺水平的提升,国内大型勘察施工单位均逐步承接国际建设工程,而国际常用坐标多为通用横轴墨卡托投影(Universal Transverse Mercator Projection,UTM),与国内常用高斯-克吕格投影在几何方式、比例系数上存在一定差异。本文以某国际工程为例,探究UTM与高斯投影二者产生投影变形的原因与解决方法,并对其图形坐标转换的边长精度进行了统计分析,具有一定工程实践参考价值。
With the improvement of engineering construction technology, large domestic survey and construction units are gradually undertaking international construction projects, and most of the commonly used international coordinates are Universal Transverse Mercator Projection (UTM). Compared with the commonly used domestic Gauss-Kruger Projection in the geometric way, there are some differences in the proportion of coefficients. This article takes an international project as an example to explore the reason and solution of projection deformation between UTM and Gaussian projection. The precision of the side length of the transformation of graph coordinate is analyzed statistically, which has a certain engineering practice reference value.