一夕阳斜挂,穹苍如血,血一般的余霞中,我恣情地狂奔,狂奔! 周身醒目的斑点,反射着落日的余辉。尘封已久的力量,顺着汹涌的血液,通过膨胀的血管,流遍了全身的每一个角落,再从每一寸肌肉里疯狂爆发!两年了,我终于又能这样恣意地渲泄,这样尽情地奔跑了! 于是,风又呼啸着擦过我的耳,我强健的爪又刨起了纷扬的尘灰——可我已顾不上欣赏自己矫健的身姿了!满脑子就只有一个念头:离开这鬼地方,回去,回去!快啊,再快啊!我要回到大草原去。夜色
When a sunset is hanging, the sky is full of blood, the bloody Yu Xia, I rush wildly, running wild! The striking spots of the whole body reflect the afterglow of the setting sun. The long-swept forces, along the turbulent blood, through the expanding blood vessels, flowed through every corner of the body, and broke out from every inch of muscles. In two years, I was finally able to vent so freely. The ground rushed! Then the wind whistled over my ear again, and my strong claws made dust again - but I could not afford to admire my strong figure! There was only one in my head. Thoughts: Leave this place of ghosts, go back, go back! Quick, quick! I’m going back to the prairie. Night