目的:探讨孕妇晚期口服维生素K后对新生儿体内含量水平的影响。方法:分别取用药组与对照组孕妇静脉血、新生儿脐血,放免法检测总骨钙蛋白(BGP)和羧化骨钙蛋白、凝血时间(CT)、出血时间(BT)、凝血酶原活动度(PTa)。结果:用药组母子骨钙蛋白的羧化率均较对照组的明显升高(P< 0.001),但两组新生儿BT、CT、PTa值均无显著差异。结论:血浆中骨钙蛋白羧化率的值是反应V-K 水平的敏感指标;孕36W~38W 妇女口服维生素K能提高新生儿血浆V-K水平,说明孕妇口服V-K可通过胎盘屏障,从而达到减少因V-K缺乏引起的新生儿出血的目的。
Objective: To investigate the effect of late oral vitamin K on pregnant women in vivo content levels. Methods: The venous blood of pregnant women and neonatal cord blood samples were taken from the drug group and the control group respectively. The levels of total osteocalcin (BGP) and osteocalcin, coagulation time (CT), bleeding time (BT), prothrombin Activity (PTa). Results: The carboxylation rates of osteocalcin and osteocalcin in the treatment group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P <0.001), but there was no significant difference in the BT, CT and PTa values between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: The carboxylation rate of osteocalcin in plasma is a sensitive indicator of V-K response; oral vitamin K in pregnant women with 36W ~ 38W can improve the plasma V-K level in neonates, indicating that oral V-K can pass the placental barrier , So as to achieve the purpose of reducing neonatal bleeding caused by V-K deficiency.