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  While I was waiting to enter university, I saw in a newspaper a teaching job wanted at a school about ten miles from where I 1 . Being very short of money and wanting to 2 something useful I applied(申请). Fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no 3 of teaching my chances of getting the job were 4 .
  However, three days later, a letter 5 , calling me to Croydon for a 6 with the headmaster. It proved to be a 7 journey: a train to Croydon station, a ten-minute bus ride and then a walk of at 8 a quarter of a mile. As a result I arrived there, feeling 9 hot to be nervous. It was clearly the 10 himself that opened the door. He was 11 and round.
  “The school,”he said,“is made up of one 12 of twenty-four boys between seven and thirteen.”I should have to 13 all the subjects except art, which he taught himself. I should have to 14 the class into three groups and teach them in turn at three different 15 , and I was disappointed at the thought of teaching maths—a 16 at which I wasn’t very good at school. Worse perhaps was the idea of 17 to teach them on Saturday afternoon because most of my friends would be 18 themselves at that time.
  Before I had time to ask about my salary(薪水), he got up to his 19 . “Now,”he said,“you’d better meet my wife. She is the one who really 20 this school.”
  1. A. lived B. played C. studied D. worked
  2. A. buy  B. do C. teach D. write
  3. A. hooks B. experience C. material D. means
  4. A. great B. helpful C. nice D. light
  5. A. arrived B. received C. returned D. written
  6. A. match B. meeting C. quarrel D. sight-seeing
  7. A. comfortable  B. difficult C. pleasant  D. short
  8. A. first B. last C. least D. most
  9. A. almost B. so C. too  D. very
  10. A. headmaster B. student C. teacher D. wife
  11. A. bad B. glad C. short D. smiling
  12. A. class B. dozen C. group D. score
  13. A. like B. practise C. study D. teach
  14. A. connect B. divide C. join D. tear
  15. A. classes B. levels C. places  D. subjects
  16. A. book  B. lesson C. problem D. subject
  17. A. forcing B. forgetting C. having D. managing
  18. A. enjoying B. helping  C. studying  D. watching
  19. A. feet B. hands C. letter D. wife
  20. A. likes B. lives in C. runs D. starts
  1. A2. B3. B4. D5. A6. B7. B8. C9. C10. A11. C12. A13. D14. B15. B16. D17. C18. A19. A20. C
  1. 答案选A。根据下文理解,应该是离主人公居住不远处。
  2. 出于想要去“做一些事情”的想法,主人公申请了学校招聘。
  3.&4. 因为没有相关教学经验,所以得到这份工作的机会是微乎其微。
  5. “收到了一封信”的主动表达方法:a letter arrives。
  6. 与校长“会面”用meeting。
  7. 根据下文理解,该旅途很痛苦,又坐了火车又坐了汽车,最后还走了路。
  8. 为了突出文章所表达的“路程艰难”,主人公“至少”走了a quarter of a mile。at least,固定搭配。
  9. too...to句型。
  10. 会见校长,应该是校长自己来开的门,所以用headmaster。
  11. 形容体形的词语放在一起。
  12. 只有一个班。
  13. 主人公除了艺术所有的都要“教”。
  14. 分组。其他意思都不正确。
  15. 按照三个不同的级别。
  16. 有些人会分不清楚B和D,lesson一般是学生用语:listen to the lesson。而subject是指学科本身。
  17. 意思理解:不得不在周六上课,很痛苦。
  18. enjoy onself,固定搭配。
  19. get up to one’s feet,固定搭配。
  20. 开办学校,运营学校都是用run。
原文    王导,字茂弘,光禄大夫览之孙也。父裁,镇军司马。导少有风鉴,识量清远。年十四,陈留高士张公见而奇之,谓其从兄敦曰:“此儿容貌志气,将相之器也。”初袭祖爵。司空刘实寻引为东阁祭酒,迁秘书郎、太子舍人、尚书郎,并不行。后参东海王越军事。  时元帝①为琅邪王,与导素相亲善。导知天下已乱,遂倾心推奉,潜有兴复之志。帝亦雅相器重,契同友执。帝之在洛阳也,导每劝令之国。会帝出镇下邳,请导为安东司马
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上期回顾  上期给大家介绍的是,Thursday English,进行阅读理解和完形填空题的练习。这期的内容是: