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目的了解重庆市大学城高校新生肺结核筛查工作现状,分析新生肺结核疫情特征,为进一步做好高校结核病防控工作提供依据。方法收集2013-2015年重庆市大学城高校新生结核病筛查资料,采用描述性统计分析方法分析结果,组间比较运用χ2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果 3年间10所高校共筛查新生134 781人,均采用胸部透视的方式;筛查时间较仓促,平均每人胸部透视仅为21.38 s;新检出学生结核患者共计52例,检出率达38.58/10万,且不同年份不同高校疫情存在差异;新检出结核患者的流动性大,本市户籍学生患者27人,市外户籍结核患者25人;因结核导致的休学病例有27例,占新检出病例总数的51.92%(27/52)。结论高校新生结核疫情仍然严峻,入学结核筛查仍然十分必要。结核筛查工作有待进一步完善,应特别关注学生结核患者的流动性问题,学生患者的休复学管理也需要进一步规范。 Objective To understand the current status of tuberculosis screening among college freshmen in Chongqing University City and to analyze the epidemic characteristics of newborn tuberculosis so as to provide the basis for further prevention and control of tuberculosis in colleges and universities. Methods The data of tuberculosis screening among freshmen in Chongqing University City from 2013 to 2015 were collected. The results of descriptive statistical analysis were used to analyze the results. Chi-square test was used to compare between groups. P <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results A total of 134 781 newborn students were screened in 10 colleges and universities in the past three years. Thorax fluoroscopy was used. The screening time was shorter and the average per person chest fluoroscopy was only 21.38 s. The total number of newly detected TB patients was 52, the detection rate Up to 38.58 / 100000, and different universities in different years there are differences in outbreaks; newly detected tuberculosis patients with mobility, the city’s 27 student population, urban household tuberculosis patients 25; Accounting for 51.92% (27/52) of the total newly detected cases. Conclusions The outbreak of tuberculosis among freshmen in colleges and universities is still severe. It is still very necessary to enroll in tuberculosis screening. Tuberculosis screening work needs to be further improved, should pay special attention to the mobility of students with tuberculosis problems, students and students of the rehabilitation management also need to be further standardized.