关于提高思想政治工作 解决实际问题能力的实践与思考

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随着改革进入攻坚阶段,发展进入关键时期,一些深层次的矛盾便集中地凸现出来,急切要求思想政治工作深入前沿,贴紧实际,直面矛盾,化难解疑。而当前工作中却不同程度地存在的说不清、跟不上、靠不紧、抓不实的问题,正与此强烈需要形成了一定反差。因此,如何提高思想政治工作解决实际问题的能力,已刻不容缓地摆在我们面前。 As the reform has entered a crucial stage and the development has entered a critical period, some deep-seated conflicts have been concentrated in one after another. It is urgent to urge ideological and political work to go further into the frontier, stick to reality, face contradictions and resolve difficulties. In the present work, however, there are some problems that can not be said clearly, can not keep up, not tightness, and misconduct exist to some extent and are in contrast with this strong need. Therefore, it is an urgent task for us to enhance the ability of ideological and political work to solve practical problems.