出租汽车具有单独作业,昼夜服务,流动分散等特点,容易被社会上一些不法之徒当作侵害目标。车辆被劫、驾驶员被害、财物被夺的案件时有发生。因此,出租车驾驶员掌握暴力打劫规律,熟悉预防的方法和技巧尤为重要。 一、暴力打劫出租车作案的特点及规律 (一)抢劫出租车作案区域特点 1.郊区作案多。歹徒通常在市内拦车,以去城郊区域为目的地,将出租车骗至郊区人稀车少偏僻地段,伺机作案,作案后便
Taxis with separate homework, day and night service, mobility and other characteristics, vulnerable to some unscrupulous social elements as targets. Vehicles were robbed, the driver was killed, the property was seized cases have occurred. Therefore, taxi drivers master the rules of violence and robbery, familiar with the prevention methods and techniques is particularly important. First, the violence robbery taxi committing the crime characteristics and laws (a) robbery taxi committing the crime of committing the crime. Gangsters usually stop in the city, to the suburban area as the destination, the taxi cheat to the suburbs of people less remote areas of rare cars, opportunistic crime, committing the crime