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通过文献资料调研、问卷调查、数理统计和逻辑分析等方法,对残疾人奥林匹克学校日活动的参与者对待残疾人的态度前后进行对比。对捷克一所本地学校和一所国际学校的残疾人奥林匹克学校日的参与者进行问卷调查,针对不同文化、语言背景的学生,问卷采用了捷克文和英文两个版本,结果发现,国际学校和本地学校参与者对待残疾人的一般态度发生了积极的变化,而对因为残疾人参与体育而改变规则的态度发生了消极的变化,这说明,残疾人奥林匹克学校日能对来自不同文化、语言背景下的参与者对残疾人态度产生积极的影响,然而,由于活动选取不当等原因也可能造成消极影响。因此,在组织残疾人奥林匹克学校教育活动时,必须要考虑参与者的特点,更为科学地选取活动项目,保证教育效果。我国应利用北京残奥会教育奠定的良好基础,结合实际情况,在某些学校尝试组织类似于残疾人奥林匹克学校日的教育活动并进行可行性研究和效果评价,为今后的大范围推广做好准备。 By means of literature research, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, the author compared the attitudes towards persons with disabilities on the Day of Paralympic School Day activities. A questionnaire survey was conducted on participants of a olympic school day for a disabled person at a local Czech school and an international school. The questionnaire was written in czech and english for students of different cultures and languages. The results showed that international schools and The positive changes in the general attitudes towards persons with disabilities by local school participants and the negative changes in the attitude of changing rules as a result of the participation of disabled persons in sports suggest that the Olympic School Day for the Disabled can learn from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds The participants under the program have a positive impact on the attitudes of persons with disabilities, however, which may have a negative impact due to inappropriate selection of activities. Therefore, when organizing education activities for the Olympic schools for disabled people, we must consider the characteristics of the participants, select the activities more scientifically, and ensure the educational effect. In light of the actual situation, our country should make use of the good foundation laid by Beijing Paralympic Education and try to organize educational activities similar to Paralympic Day of Disabled Persons in some schools to carry out feasibility study and effect evaluation so as to do a good job for the future extensive promotion ready.
<正> 急腹症、休克是现代医学常见危急重症,感染性疾病是常见病、多发病。古代虽没有这类病名,但《伤寒论》(后简称“论中”)所描述的临床表现有不少内容类似这些危急重症。
<正> 1981年春,小屯村大队拟在该村东北地修建办公室。这一带是大面积的平地,当时为大队果园,多年来无重要发现,故选此处修建,占地面积约5000平方米。当时,由中国社会科学院
<正> 一、大青龙汤治验例冯××,女,19岁,未婚,农民,土圹公社长山大队。患者发热恶寒无汗,周身骨节疼痛,口渴烦躁,喜凉饮,饮入即吐,小便短少,大便正常。曾服中药四剂,同时口