目的讨论案例教学法在高职护理专业《正常人体结构》教学中的应用效果。方法将4个班学生按班级简单随机分为实验组和对照组,实验组学生采用案例教学法进行教学,对照组学生采用传统教学方法。结果两组学生在期末考试成绩上,实验组的考试成绩(82.3±13.6)明显高于对照组(71.4±14.1),<0.05。实验组对案例教学中提高学习热情和兴趣、培养分析解决问题能力、优于传统教学方法的效果的赞同率分别达到97.2%、98.6%、96.5%。结论在高职护理专业正常人体结构教学过程中,运用案例教学法进行教学,能取得较好的教学效果。“,”Objective To discuss application of case teaching method in nursing teaching of“normal structure of human body”in vocational school.Methods Students in 4 classes were divided into experimental group and control group randomly,the experimental group students received case teaching method while the control group received traditional teaching method. Results The results of final exam of experimental group (82.3±13.6)was significantly higher than the control group (71.4±14.1),<0.05.The experimental group method can improve the enthusiasm and interest in learning,cultivate ability to analyze and solve the problems,which is superior to the traditional teaching method with a results agree rate of 97.2%,98.6%,96.5%respectively.Conclusion Using the case teaching method, can achieve bet er results in teaching nursing of normal human body structure.