本论文主要就城市轨道交通的列车自动控制系统的子系统:列车自动防护系统、列车自动运行系统、列车自动监控系统(ATS--Automatic Train Supervision)的组成和性能进行了分析介绍。进而得出列车自动控制系统是城轨交通信号必不可少的一部分。它的性能好坏与否直接关系到列车运行的安全。
This thesis mainly analyzes the composition and performance of ATS (Automatic Train Control System) sub-system of train control system in urban rail transit: automatic train protection system, automatic train operation system and automatic train supervision system (ATS). And then come to train automatic control system is an essential part of the urban rail transit signals. Its performance is directly related to the safety of train operation.