本文报告由选择性冠状动脉造影证实的4例冠状动脉痉挛。2例心电图显示 S-T 段抬高;2例显示 S-T 段下降。1例在心绞痛发作期间出现异常 Q 波,而于疼痛缓解后即消失。文中讨论了冠状动脉痉挛时 S-T 改变和不正常 Q 波的产生机理,并强调了用钙离子拮抗剂治疗的重要性.
This article reports on 4 cases of coronary spasm confirmed by selective coronary angiography. 2 cases of ECG showed elevation of S-T segment; 2 cases showed S-T segment decreased. One patient had an abnormal Q wave during angina pectoris and disappeared after pain relief. The mechanism of S-T alterations and abnormal Q wave generation in patients with coronary artery spasm is discussed and the importance of treatment with calcium antagonists is emphasized.