Study with microarrays of the differential gene expression profiles of glioblastoma

来源 :中国人民解放军军医大学学报:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:levelsetsharon
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Objective: This study aims to screen the differentially expressed genes of glioblastoma using microarray technique. Methods: Specimens of glioblastoma and normal brain tissue were obtained from pathologically confirmed patients.A cDNA microarray comprisin
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终于忍不住好奇,我故意板起脸问儿子:老实交待,为什么给爸爸起外号,“海马爸爸”到底是什么意思?他却躲躲闪闪,不肯回答,显然这是他的秘密。  家里只有两个单身汉,我和儿子。每天早上,我先把儿子送到学校,再去公司上班。他总是站在校门口,冲我高高地挥起小手,“海马爸爸,再见!”不知从哪天起,儿子忽然不再叫我“爸爸”,给我起了个外号“海马爸爸”。这让我感到别扭,多次警告无效,渐渐也就习惯了。小家伙才9岁,
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