In the era of cultural economy, the essence and significance of literature, changes in the way of literature production, and so on are important theoretical issues. Therefore, we should make a systematic and in-depth study both academically and theoretically. This includes three aspects of thinking. First, in the relationship between the market and literature, we should firmly oppose the determinism of markets and emphasize that the value and significance of literature lie in the awakening and real needs of people who are inundated by the illusion of market logic and ideology . Second, the mode of production of literature is a kind of mode of production in which pluralistic coexistence coexists. In the literary style of expression, hybrid style becomes a common form. Thirdly, in the literary interpretation, we construct a theory of literary criticism that transcends the main subject and the guest, different from the linguistic model, restores the “Pioneer” of literature and the nobleness of literature in the transformation of aesthetic ideas.