全国大型商场第14次商品质量市场调查结果揭晓 本刊讯 由全国48家大型商场联合进行的1998年商品质量、品牌信誉市场调查结果1999年1月下旬在京张榜,100种畅销名牌商品金榜题名,国货名品高奏主旋律。其中,“青岛”啤酒、“凤凰”自行车连续14年位居同
The results of the 14th commodity quality market survey of large-scale shopping malls across the nation revealed the results of the 1998 market survey on product quality and brand reputation jointly conducted by 48 large-scale shopping malls across the country. In late January 1999, 100 titles of best-selling brand-name products were selected. The famous masterpiece of domestic goods played the main melody. Among them, “Qingdao” beer and “Phoenix” bicycles are ranked in the same place for 14 consecutive years.