
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lnlsq
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牡丹一般植于地里,对居住楼房的人来说,想在自己家中足不出户就观赏牡丹成了一个难题。而且牡丹花期短,想在需要的时间看到花,对于地栽牡丹来说也是不可能的。于是盆栽牡丹便有了优势:(1)可移动,可成片组摆,也可单独观赏。(2)管理更为精细。(3)花期易控制。可利用温室和冷藏室,一年四季进行催花;也可在家中人为提高温度和降低温度控制花期,提早和延迟开花。苗木选择宜选植株矮壮、花色纯正、色泽艳丽、花繁、花梗粗壮能伸出叶丛外,且有宜人香气、适应性强的优良早开和中开品种,如“洛阳红”、“胡红”、“赵粉”、“蓝田玉”、“似荷莲”、“青龙卧墨池”等品种。以有3~5个枝头以上的分株苗和4~5年生以上的芍药根嫁接的无病虫健壮苗木为好。盆土准备牡丹为肉质根,不耐水湿,且喜肥沃、疏松、排水良好的壤土或沙壤土,盆土应选择特制的培养土。培养土中河沙、园中表土、腐叶土各1/3,并适当加入磷钾肥、腐熟的饼肥,拌匀并堆放一段时间后可用。盆土中同时拌入杀虫剂和杀菌剂,以杀灭土中地下害虫如蛴螬、地老虎等及一些病害。 Peony is generally planted in the ground, for people living in the building, would like to watch the peony in their own homes without leaving home to become a problem. And peony flowering period is short, want to see the flowers in the time needed, it is impossible for the ground planted peony. So potted peony has the advantage: (1) can be moved, can be put into a group of pendulum, can also be viewed alone. (2) management is more sophisticated. (3) flowering easy to control. Greenhouses and freezers can be used to promote flowers throughout the year; people can also increase the temperature at home and reduce the temperature to control flowering, early and delayed flowering. Selection of seedlings should be selected plant short and strong, pure color, bright color, flowers, thick stalks can extend out of the leaves, and a pleasant aroma, good adaptability to open early and good varieties, such as “Luoyang red” “Hu Hong ”, “Zhao Fen ”, “Lantian jade ”, “Like the lotus ”, “Dragon lying ink pool ” and other varieties. To have 3-5 branches above the sub-plantlets and 4 to 5 years of peony root grafted pest-free robust seedlings as well. Peony Peony as fleshy roots, waterlogged wet, and like fertile, loose, well drained loam or sandy loam, peat soil should choose a special culture soil. Cultivation of sand in the soil, garden in the topsoil, leaf mold each 1/3, and appropriate to join the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, composting cake fat, mix well and piled for a period of time available. Pesticides and fungicides are mixed in the peat so as to kill underground pests such as catfish, land tigers, and some diseases in the soil.
主要论述了活性炭吸附制冷方面的应用以及制冷用活性炭的特点。 根据活性炭的吸附理论,研制出高能的制冷用活性炭。