OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of huperzine A on the impairment of working memory induced by basal ganglia (NBM) damage. Methods: Eight-arm labyrinth delay flapper program was used to study spatial memory. Choline Acetyltransferase (ChAT) Activity Assay [3H] Acetyl-CoA is converted to [3H] Acetylcholine. Results: Unilateral damage to NBM (Ca (2+) mol) resulted in spatial memory impairment. At different delay intervals, the correct number of rats completed and the number of errors increased. The content of ChAT enzyme in the damaged side of the cerebral cortex decreased by about 40%. Huperzine A (0 2mg · kg-1 30minip before the experiment) to improve this spatial memory impairment. Physostigmine (0 2-0 3mg · kg-1 20minip before the experiment) also have improved. Conclusion: The complete NBM is the key to the formation of spatial memory. Huperzine A effectively improves spatial memory impairment caused by NBM damage.