1 Regional Geological Background In the Geological Exploration Area of Dele Nuer, its tectonic attribute is located in the Qilian block area in the Qilian orogenic belt. It belongs to the mid-Qilian iron, copper, chromium, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum and lead-zinc metallogenic belts. The belt is located on both sides of the Pingda Sakae deep fault zone. The middle and upper Proterozoic strata developed mainly in the south of the Great Wall Chn, Jxh, Qnw and Qnh, Cambrian Xiangmushan Formation (∈ × m), and freshmen Boundary layer. The stratigraphic fold axis is dominated by EW or NEE, and the north and south wings are basically symmetrical with dip angles of 60-70 °. Along with the intense extrusion folds, a group of compressive thrust faults are formed that are approximately parallel to the fold axis. Area magma