作者报道一名59岁的男性电动机技术员,连续工龄32年。在工作的后几年,逐渐出现症状和体征,相继发生皮炎,全身性肌肉抽搐,上、下肢烧灼感,以后发展为行为障碍、幻听、幻视及健忘、腹痛、恶心、便秘、心悸和眩晕。无烟、酒史。1981~1986年间,医生和精神病科医生给予抗忧郁药及安眠药物。 1985年后期接受了多方面的医学检查,未查出临床变化,血铅和尿铅均正常,医生意见分岐;但患者确信其症状为长期接触铅所致(工作场所缺乏预防措施)。最后,只能拔取2颗门牙作铅的测定,同时又另用6颗对照牙测铅。结果患者1颗牙含铅122.2ppm,
The author reported that a 59-year-old male motor technician, working for 32 consecutive years. In the later years of her work, her symptoms and signs gradually appeared. She developed dermatitis, generalized muscle twitching, burning sensation in upper and lower extremities, later developed into behavioral disorders, auditory hallucinations, hallucinations and forgetfulness, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, palpitations and dizziness. Smoke-free, wine history. Between 1981 and 1986, doctors and psychiatrists gave antidepressants and sleeping pills. Various medical tests were performed in late 1985, clinical changes were not detected, blood lead and urine lead were normal, and doctors disagree; however, patients were convinced that their symptoms were due to prolonged exposure to lead (lack of precautionary measures in the workplace). Finally, only two of the incisors can be taken for determination of lead while another six for the purpose of lead determination. Results 1 patient with lead content of 122.2ppm lead,