科技加市场 做出大文章——西安银桥集团奶畜产业化发展纪实

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以农业产业化为发展方向的陕西省乳品行业龙头企业—西安银桥企业集团,多年来坚定不移依靠科技进步,抓住奶畜产业化工程不放,使“秦俑”牌系列奶产品在全国同行业中率先进入了“名牌”行列。银桥集团本部所在地西安临潼区相桥镇,是一个以农业为主的产粮区,秸秆、饲料极为丰富,适宜畜牧业的发展。企业成立之初,就依据当地实际,将奶牛饲养这个“第一车间”设在了农户家,实行了“厂方贷款、农户养牛,厂户挂钩、以奶还贷”的做法,由农户分散饲养,企业集中收购鲜奶,形成奶畜产业链,建立了企业加快农户的发展机制。为了加快奶源基地的建设步伐,形成完整的产业化格局,1997年,在西安市科委的指导下,以银桥集团为龙头的“临潼区奶畜产业化工程”正式启动。这项工程周期为3年,总投资3000万元,主要用于奶源基地建设、饲料工程、乳制品开发生产及技术培训等。近三年来,银桥集团充分发挥银桥奶牛公司和银桥奶牛繁殖育种协会的职能,采取了一系列行之有效的措施,为奶农提供综合服务。公司先后7次请加拿大及国内专家对奶农进行培训授课,参加听课群众累计达8000人,印发青贮饲料知识方面的宣传材料15000余份,编印培训教材2000多套;另外,公司还组织人员走乡串户,给外貌良好有发展潜力的健康奶牛编号、挂牌、进行个体鉴定、建立系谱档案。从97年开始,银桥集团在奶区大力推广玉米杆青贮饲料,既变废为宝,减少环境污染,又调整了饲料结构,使奶牛增加了釆食量,确保奶牛的正常发育,产奶量也有了明显的提高。据统计,近3年来,银桥集团为当地奶农提供建窖款40多万,建立永久性青贮饲料窖480个,临时窖30个,贮草620多万公斤,项目实施区(4个乡镇)奶牛存栏由1996年底的5033头,发展到1999年底的8651头,项目辐射扩展到周边10个区县、20多个乡镇、1万多个 The Xi’an Yinqiao Enterprise Group, a leading enterprise in the dairy industry in Shaanxi Province, which has taken the direction of agricultural industrialization, has for many years resolutely relied on scientific and technological advancement, seized on the industrialization of milk and livestock products, and made the “Qinqi” brand milk series. Products in the same industry in the country took the lead into the “brand” ranks. Located in Xiangqiao Town, Linyi District, Xi’an, Yinqiao Group’s headquarters is an agricultural-based grain production area with abundant straw and fodder and is suitable for the development of animal husbandry. At the beginning of the establishment of the company, based on local conditions, the “first workshop” for dairy cow raising was set up at the farmer’s home, and the “factory loan, farmer’s cattle raising, factory linking, and milk repayment” were implemented. In practice, farmers are scattered and raised, enterprises purchase fresh milk in a centralized manner, milk industry chain is formed, and a mechanism for accelerating farmers’ development is established. In order to speed up the construction of the milk source base and form a complete industrialization pattern, in 1997 under the guidance of the Xi’an Science and Technology Commission, the “Linyi District Dairy Animal Industrialization Project” led by the Yinqiao Group was formally launched. The project has a three-year cycle and a total investment of 30 million yuan. It is mainly used for the construction of milk source bases, feed projects, dairy product development and production, and technical training. In the past three years, Yinqiao Group has given full play to the functions of Yinqiao Dairy Company and Yinqiao Dairy Breeding and Breeding Association, and has taken a series of effective measures to provide dairy farmers with comprehensive services. The company has invited Canadian and domestic experts to teach dairy farmers seven times, and has attended a total of 8,000 people attending lectures, published more than 15,000 publicity materials on silage knowledge, and compiled more than 2,000 sets of training materials; in addition, the company also organized personnel. Going to townships and households, numbering, listing, individual identification, and establishment of pedigree files for healthy cows with good development potential. Since 1997, Yinqiao Group has vigorously promoted corn silage in the dairy area, turning waste into treasure, reducing environmental pollution, and adjusting feed structure, increasing the amount of foraging for dairy cows, ensuring the normal development of dairy cows, and milk production. There has also been a marked improvement. According to statistics, in the past three years, Yinqiao Group provided more than 400,000 cellars for local dairy farmers, established 480 permanent silage cellars, 30 temporary cellars, and stored more than 6.2 million kilograms of grass. The project implementation area (4 townships ) The number of dairy cows has increased from 5,033 at the end of 1996 to 8,651 at the end of 1999. The project has spread to 10 districts and counties, more than 20 townships and more than 10,000 in the surrounding area.
阐述会计政策不仅离不开会计所处的环境 ,并且要与该环境相适应 ;分析影响企业会计政策选择的环境因素 ,指出影响特定企业会计政策的环境因素 ,有宏观经济因素、政治和法律因
尊敬的张璞书记,吴清海市长,各位领导,同志们:$$ 今天,我们太原理工大学与晋中市人民政府签订长期战略合作框架协议,这是省委书记袁纯清同志9月8日莅临学校调研指导并发表重要