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We established the new high-spin level scheme of odd-odd nucleus 128I recently[1].In this paper,we briefly report the assignments of configurations for the observed band structures in 128I.In the odd-A iodine isotopes,the g7/2 and d5/2 instrinsic states were identified to be We established the new high-spin level scheme of odd-odd nucleus 128 I recently [1]. In this paper, we briefly report the assignments of configurations for the observed band structures in 128 I. In the odd-A iodine isotopes, the g7 / 2 and d5 / 2 instrinsic states were identified to be
公元前480年,斯巴达人在温泉关浴血奋战了两昼夜,到第三天被波斯人团团包围。他们死不投降,坚守阵地直至最后一人,斯巴达两国王之一的列奥尼达也捐躯关上。事迹传开,希腊人化悲痛为力量,在萨拉米斯一战大败薛西斯,打开希波战争的胜利之门。  2007年,以温泉关战役为题材的好莱坞大片《300》上映,剑桥大学古典学教授保罗卡特利奇笑称:“至少让古典学学者们得到一个表现自己何以(不仅仅在娱乐意义上)依然重要的
47年前的11月22日,美国第35任总统约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪在达拉斯遇刺身亡。这桩刺杀案背后还有许许多多未解之谜,世人至少还要等19年才能得到美国官方 47 years ago, No
High-spin states in 173W have been studied by the 150Nd(28Si, 5n)173W reaction at 135 and 140 MeV. Through detailed analysis on the γ-γ coincidence relationsh
摘 要:教师语言直接影响着课堂的教学效率,在小学体育课堂中恰当的教学语言可以激发学生听课的兴趣,启发学生思维,要引导学生高效、准确地完成体育项目,保持良好的课堂纪律,所以教师应该注意在体育教学中的语言艺术。  关键词:小学体育;课堂;语言艺术  体育教学是一门综合的艺术,它包含很多方面,涉及音乐、美术欣赏、思维科学以及语言学方面的知识。语言是教学的基础,是进行教学活动的前提。在体育教学课堂中,教师
Nowadays the in-medium nucleon-nucleon scattering cross section is still an open question although the free nucleon-nucleon scattering cross section is generall
In the study, metallic uranium and uranium dioxide material were ablated by laser beam in order to simulate the process of forming the uranium particles in pyro