中国自动化产业的耕耘者 中国自动化学会第九届理事介绍专栏

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中国自动化学会(Chinese Association of Automation,缩写CAA),是我国最早成立的国家一级学术群众团体之一。她是由全国从事自动化及相关技术的科研、教学、开发、生产和应用的个人和单位自愿结成的、依法登记成立的、具有学术性、公益性、科普性的全国性法人社会团体,是中国科学技术协会的组成部分,是发展我国自动化科技事业的重要社会力量。1961年11月27日正式成立。钱学森任中国自动化学会第一届理事会理事长。在中国自动化学会成立的48年间,随着中国改革开放的不断推进,她对促进自动化科学技术繁荣和发展、促进自动化科技的普及和推广、促进自动化科技人才的成长和提高,促进自动化科学技术与经济的结合等方面做出了不可磨灭的贡献,其中的历任理事长、常务理士及理事,活跃在中国自动化产业第一线,致力于学习、研究国外先进自动化技术,提高我国技术水平,为推动中国民族工业的发展及缩短与国外先进自动化技术水平的差距起到了至关重要的作用。他们中有德高望重的中国院士,也有默默耕耘的技术学者,更有叱诧风云的自动化领域的商界精英,但是,他们却始终有着同一个信念和使命:那就是为中国自动化产业的发展贡献自己的光和热。也许他们并不广为人知,但他们的事迹却是我们不该忘记的。2009年,《自动化博览》全新开启介绍中国自动化学会第九届常务理事的专栏,与您一同记住这些本应闪耀在中国自动化产业历史长河中的名字。 The Chinese Association of Automation (CAA) is one of the first academic-level mass organizations at the national level in China. She is a national legal entity with academic, public welfare and science popularization voluntarily formed by individuals and units engaged in scientific research, teaching, development, production and application of automation and related technologies all over the country. The components of the China Association for Science and Technology are important social forces for the development of China’s automated science and technology. November 27, 1961 was formally established. Qian Xuesen served as chairman of the first council of the Chinese Association of Automation. In the 48 years since the founding of the Chinese Association of Automation, with the continuous promotion of China’s reform and opening up, she has been instrumental in promoting the prosperity and development of automation science and technology, promoting the popularization and promotion of automation science and technology, promoting the growth and improvement of automated science and technology personnel, and promoting the automation of science and technology Economic integration and other aspects made an indelible contribution, which served as chairman, executive vice president and director, active in the forefront of China’s automation industry, is committed to learning, studying advanced foreign automation technology, improve our technical level, to promote The development and shortening of China’s national industry play a crucial role in the gap with the advanced automation technology in foreign countries. Among them, there are highly respected Chinese academics, technologists who work silently, and the business elites in the field of automation. However, they always share the same conviction and mission: to contribute their own efforts to the development of China’s automation industry Light and heat. Perhaps they are not widely known, but their deeds are what we should not forget. In 2009, Automation Expo opened a new column introducing the 9th executive director of the Chinese Association of Automation to share with you the names that should have shined in the long history of China’s automation industry.
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