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  Chinese companies boost Kenya’s construction industry industrialization process
  China wuyi Kenya construction industrialization research and development production base and material warehouse supermarkets 20 projects in Nairobi, Kenya officially start construction, will further boost the industrialization process of the construction industry in Kenya.
  The project total investment of usd 101 million, all by the construction of wuyi financing, is a collection of production, sales, research and development, display of modern building products base, will use the world’s most advanced, the most mature construction industrialization technology and equipment, are expected to be completed and put into operation in June in 2017.
  Kenya’s industrial, trade and cooperation minister Dan Mohammed said at the opening ceremony, Kenya’s construction industry is in rapid development phase, the construction of this project is timely. Economic data released by the Kenya, Kenya’s construction industry output value in 2015 year-on-year growth of 14%.
  Dan said Mohammed, the project will further reduce the construction cost of Kenya, improve the industrialization level of Kenya’s construction industry.
每2.5天有一名女性死亡  根据法国内政部8月17日最新公布的《2019年家庭暴力死亡事件》研究显示,2019年全国有173人被伴侣或前伴侣杀害,同比增加16%,其中146名受害者是女性,占84%,比前一年增加了25人。作案者中88%是男性,大部分家庭暴力的受害者是法国籍女性,年龄在30岁至49岁之间或70岁以上。75%的死亡案件发生在夫妇或其中一方的家中。其中31%的死亡案件涉及暴力争执,20%
相较于当前普遍应用的DNA鉴定技术,基因族谱技术在案件破获中的最大贡献,即是其实现了“模糊匹配”的新突破如今,普通民众只需用采样拭子刮取数下口腔黏膜,并花上一些小钱,就可以由专业技术公司来对自己的DNA进行检测基因数据革命“盯上”陈年积案  由于DNA基因与我们每个人的家庭、健康、生活等方面息息相关,越来越多人把目光聚焦到了自身的基因数据上。以往几十年时间里,刑事司法部门的DNA数据库,通常仅包含