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岳阳市云溪区云溪镇云丰村洗煤油厂厂长周泽义是一位连续3年被评为镇“模范共产党员”、研制出来的产品填补了国内外空白的“土专家”。36岁的周泽义本是行伍中人,曾多次受到嘉奖,连续几年被评为“优秀战士”,1983年入党,1984年转业进云丰村支部班子,并承包了村属服务楼商店。1990年下半年,云丰洗煤油厂开始筹建,镇党委要求在4个月内将该厂建成投产。一没厂房,二无设备,水电不通,困难重重。这时,周泽义挺身而出,丢掉年盈利在万元以上的商店,主动请缨领办企业,并声明自己的工 Yueze City Yunxi Yunxian Yunfeng Village washing kerosene plant director Zhou Zeyi is a for 3 consecutive years was named the town “model communist”, developed products to fill the gap at home and abroad, “soil experts.” 36-year-old Zhou Zeyi is a middleman, who has repeatedly been praised for several years been rated as “excellent fighter”, joined the party in 1983, 1984 into the village branch office Yunfeng Village, and contractor village service shop. In the second half of 1990, Yunfeng washing kerosene plant began to build, the town party committee requested that the plant be put into operation within 4 months. No one plant, two no equipment, hydropower barrier, difficult. At this time, Zhou Zeyi came forward, losing the profit in million yuan of shops, volunteered to take over the business and declare their work
患者 女,51岁,便秘伴左下肢疼痛数月,体重明显减轻,当地医院CT提示盆腔内巨大软组织肿块.行剖腹探查术,术中发现盆腔内巨大肿块,压迫直肠及神经,由于肿块较大而未能切除,改行结肠造瘘术,未取得病理结果.术后1周患者又出现肠梗阻征象,来本院就诊.腹部X线平片(图1)、盆腔CT(图2,)及静脉肾盂造影(IVP)(图4)检查提示盆腔巨大肿块对周围脏器推移挤压。