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掌握统揽全局的领导艺术肖红连一个党委要想形成坚强的领导集体,客观上要求书记具有较强的驾驭全局的能力,通常情况下,书记统揽全局的水平越高,党委领导的效益就越好。师团党委作为部队一线指挥部,党委书记统揽全局水平的高低,不仅直接影响到师团党委自身建设,同时... Master the overall leadership of the overall art Xiao Hong Even a party in order to form a strong leadership collective objectively requires that the secretary has a strong ability to control the overall situation, under normal circumstances, the higher the overall level of the Secretary of the Secretary-General, the leadership of the party’s more effective it is good. As a first-line command of the army and party secretary, the party committee of the division regrouped the level of the overall situation and not only directly affected the construction of the party committee of the division and division, but also ...
在普通最小二乘算法的基础上,根据短焦距、超广角光学镜头的实际特性,在线性回归方程组中添加约束条件,并借助 MATLAB Optimization 工具箱求得拟合的结果.计算结果表明, 该