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借力,就是借助有效途径达到预期目标的有效策略。在小学语文阅读教学中,由于受教材篇幅所限,学生获取信息相对不足,因而对文本的理解也会出现偏差,对此,教师可以借助有效教学资源,带领学生拓展教学空间,突破文本教学难点,开阔学生视野,实现有效的学习目标。一、借力背景资料,理解文本情感教材安排的文章或隐含着作者的人生经历和思想倾向,或是需要联系历史背景和民族文化等因素才能理解文章内涵,这需要教师巧妙借助背景资料,帮助学生 Leveraging, is to use effective means to achieve the desired goal of effective strategies. In the teaching of primary school Chinese reading, due to limited space of teaching materials, the students are not enough to obtain the information, so the understanding of the text will also deviate. Therefore, teachers can make use of effective teaching resources to lead students to expand their teaching space and break through the difficulties of text teaching , Broaden students’ horizons and achieve effective learning goals. First, leveraging the background information, understanding the text The emotional textbook arranged articles or imply the author’s life experience and ideological tendencies, or need to contact historical background and national culture and other factors to understand the meaning of the article, which requires teachers with clever background information, Help students
作 者:李希贵  出版社:华东师范大  学出版社  出版年:2006-04  定 价:19.80元  《学生第二》是李希贵所撰写的一本教育管理随笔。作者从一名普通的语文老师到教导主任、校长、潍坊市教育局局长,在管理岗位上已工作了三十多个春秋,对于教育管理有了很多深层次的思考。《学生第二》一书就是他多年实践的智慧结晶。在此书里,李希贵提出“教师第一,学生第二”的观点,他认为只有把教师放在办学目标的第