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内参,就是供内部参考的材料,就是通过新闻单位向上级领导机关反映不宜公开报道或暂时不宜公开报道的具有重要参考价值的情况和信息。内参既可以反映成绩,也可以反映问题。成绩方面的,如反映不能公开报道的试点经验、技术情报、科研成果等;问题方面的.如反映不宜公开报道的重大灾害、事故、骚乱、学潮、动乱等。虽然内参的读者面很窄,但仍能起到党的耳目、喉舌这个根本作用,并且还有它自己为特殊作用,它能及时引起领导机关的注意,使施政得到较快的调整,以利避免较大的损失。 Internal reference is for internal reference material, that is, through the news unit to the higher authorities reflect the public should not be publicly reported or temporarily should not be publicly reported with important reference value of the situation and information. Internal reference can reflect the score, but also can reflect the problem. Aspects of achievements, such as reflecting the pilot experience can not be publicly reported, technical intelligence, scientific research, etc .; problems, such as reflecting the public should not be open to major disasters, accidents, riots, school tide, turmoil and so on. Although the readership of the internal reference is very narrow, it still plays the fundamental role of the party’s ears and mouthpieces. It also has its own special role. It can prompt the attention of the leading organs in a timely manner so that the administration can be adjusted relatively quickly. Avoid large losses.
制造技术足以令现代冶金家绝倒rn越王勾践剑是考古工作者在湖北省发掘春秋时期的楚墓时发现的。越王勾践剑的发现者之一 ,原湖北省博物馆馆长谭维四研究员介绍说,当时出土时
摘 要:经过不断的探索、建设与实践,各高校陆续将《职业发展与就业指导》课作为公共必修课程纳入教学计划,相应的课程体系建设也在不断地完善。笔者针对工作中存在的一些不足之处,结合实际,经过研究探索,就该门课的课程建设提出了对策和建议。  关键词:高校;职业发展;就业指导  2007年,教育部印发的《大学生职业发展与就业指导课程教学要求》指出:职业发展与就业指导课既强调职业在人生发展中的重要地位,又关注
Background Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4) is integrally involved in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) signaling and has a requisite cytoprotective effect have yet to be el