法国著名律师皮埃尔·莱勃勒(Pierre Lepaulle)说:“从庞大的战争赔款到最简单的遗产继承,从华尔街上最创新的金融计划到对子子孙孙的关爱,都可以看到信托的身影。信托在整个人类为了自我生存所付出的各种努力中,无处不在:梦想和平、开创商业帝国、扼杀竞争或升人天堂、买下仇恨的种子或乐善好施、热爱家庭或争夺遗产。人类在进行所有这些活动时,有的衣着华丽、有的衣衫褴褛、有的头戴神圣的皇冠、有的高兴得边走路边咧开嘴笑。信托是盎格鲁—撒克逊人的守护
Pierre Lepaulle, a leading French lawyer, said: ”From the generous war reparations to the simplest inheritance, from the most innovative financial planning on Wall Street to the care of children and grandchildren, The Trust The Trust Everywhere in human endeavors for self-survival, the Trust is everywhere: dreams of peace, business empire, stifle competition or ascended to heaven, buy seeds of hatred or charity, love of family or competition for heritage All of these human activities are gorgeous, some are ragged, some are wearing sacred crowns, and some are happily walking while grinning over. Trust is Anglo-Saxon guardian